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The Power of FOSS: Insights from Mercedes-Benz

24/09 15:05HS @ Stream ATRACK OPEN SOURCE

The Power of FOSS: Insights from Mercedes-Benz

Speaker: Wolfgang Gehring

The Open Source world is expanding rapidly as more and more enterprises of all sizes are joining the movement, realizing that FOSS is absolutely essential for innovation and modern software development. In order to benefit from the full potential of FOSS, it is not sufficient to just use Open Source libraries in your development; you need to embrace all aspects of FOSS. Let me draw a picture of what it means for a modern company to do exactly that: From the realization that you need an Open Source Program Office (OSPO) to implement a dedicated FOSS strategy, to taking all your employees with you on your journey to become a fully FOSS-savvy company. We will illustrate this with the example of Mercedes-Benz who builds upon the Mercedes-Benz FOSS Manifesto as its cornerstone; we will look at what we learned, what the crucial points were in implementing the strategy, and what we wish we had already known at the beginning. And perhaps this can help you, too, in your own FOSS endeavors.


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