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The performance imperative: Why agility was never the goal

26/09 11:55HS @ AbastoTRACK MANAGEMENT

The performance imperative: Why agility was never the goal

Speaker: Marin Niehues

In my professional career, I have experienced the development and implementation of agility at first hand in various organisations. In the process, I have increasingly observed that agility is an end in itself for many companies. But this should never happen under any circumstances. Rather, it is a strategic tool, a means to an end, to ensure efficient and high-performance product delivery directly to the customer. Whilst agility is a clear way forward in certain contexts, it is not always the universal answer. This is where my talk comes in: It's about understanding that no customer buys internal agile processes; the customer invests in finished, high-quality products that meet their exact needs. In my presentation, I will shed light on the actual role of agility, emphasise the importance of targeted application and show when exactly agility is preferable as a method. At the same time, I will discuss alternative frameworks that might be more suitable in other scenarios. With extensive experience in organisational development and process management, I combine deep insights into agile methods with a clear vision for effective product development. This talk will offer a critical but constructive exploration of agility, always focussing on how we as entrepreneurs, managers or developers can create the most value for our customers."


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