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Prepare to be Assimilated: A Look Inside the Rocky Linux Collective

26/09 16:05HS @ AbastoTRACK OPEN SOURCE

Prepare to be Assimilated: A Look Inside the Rocky Linux Collective

Speaker: Krista Burdine

From rebuilders and testers, to meme-lords and other important non-code skills, everyone has a skill to contribute to the Rocky Linux community. Resistance is futile. Become part of the community today! While Rocky Linux has quickly grown into a top-tier Linux distribution, it is still community driven. This makes it a great place to become involved. Sometimes people want to help out but don't know if their Linux skills are adequate. (They are). You can practice technical writing, GitHub, creating tutorials, designing workstation wallpapers, and more. After a tour of how the Rocky Linux community is structured, we will show how to create your login and make your first post. Then you, too, will be part of the Collective.


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